Make Math Moments Courses
Featured Courses

Making Math Moments That Matter Full Workshop
Learn how to use our 3-part framework for building easy to plan and fun to deliver lessons that kids will not only love, but also learn from.

The Concept Holding Your Students Back
Join us in this 9-module, self-paced online course where we unlock Key understandings along the Proportional Relationships Roadmap!
Academy Member Courses
Building Computational Fluency
In this course, we will explore seven high-impact strategies from Figuring Out Fluency in Mathematics Teaching and Learning by Jennifer…
The Roadmap for Math Improvement: How To Create and Coordinate An Aligned & Sustainable Math Improvement Plan
Building Math Success: How To Create and Coordinate An Aligned & Sustainable Math Improvement Plan is a comprehensive professional development…
How To Teach Math in Kindergarten
Gain a clear guideline for Kindergarten math plus progressions of activities that are developmentally appropriate for your young minds. By…
How To Teach Algebra
What are the best strategies to teach the concepts in our algebra strands and courses? What activities can we use…
Worksheets: Wretched or Wonderful?
In this course Jon & Kyle outline different styles of worksheets while giving you insight on how to design them…
How To Reach More Students After The Toughest Year Ever
As we start/continue another school year during this pandemic we might find ourselves asking: What should I focus on most?…
5 Reasons Students Struggle With Word Problems & What We Can Do To Fix It
5 reasons students struggle with word problems and what we can do to overcome this common math class
The Tortoise & Hare
Join Kyle & Jon as they explore the two systems for thinking in the brain and how mathematics education often only serves one. They’ll share the practical classroom lessons and routines that not only help you find the right balance in your mathematics program, but will also help your students to define an identity that they value in your math class.
How To Start The School Year Off Right
As many around the world are preparing for a new school year, many districts are scrambling to decide on whether classes will resume via a face-to-face, blended, or fully online model. Join us as we help mathematics educators Start The School Year Off Right with tips, tools, and tasks for your Grade 2 to Grade 12 math class so you can Make Math Moments That Matter.
Make Math Moments From A Distance
Learn how to deliver problem based lessons over the internet that reach all students regardless of their mathematical readiness in this self-paced course.
The Fundamentals of Mathematics
Dive into this course that unpacks 12 Big Ideas in mathematics that are fundamental to building a sense of number, mastering math facts, and developing proficiency with operations.
Transform Your Textbook Into A Curiosity Machine
Teaching math exclusively from your textbook is like teaching with a bag over your head, however throwing it out isn't the answer! Learn to use the resources you have to Make Math Moments That Matter in this recorded 75 minute webinar replay and question and answer session.
Building Computational Fluency
In this course, we will explore seven high-impact strategies from Figuring Out Fluency in Mathematics Teaching and Learning by Jennifer…
The Roadmap for Math Improvement: How To Create and Coordinate An Aligned & Sustainable Math Improvement Plan
Building Math Success: How To Create and Coordinate An Aligned & Sustainable Math Improvement Plan is a comprehensive professional development…
How To Teach Math in Kindergarten
Gain a clear guideline for Kindergarten math plus progressions of activities that are developmentally appropriate for your young minds. By…
PD Pathways
We’ve mapped out a customized pathway that will streamline your learning and give you practice lessons to use with your students.

Make Math Moments Podcast
Join 1000s of dedicated educators from around the world as they listen in to the weekly podcast to provide you…
Q & A
Q & A Math Coaching Calls
Missed a Q & A Webcall recently? No sweat! All of the past Q & A webcalls have been recorded…
Virtual Summits
2024 Make Math Moments Virtual Summit
Original Summit Date: NOVEMBER 15th, 16th & 17th 2024 Learn the smartest ways to engage, reach, and strengthen your students…
2023 Make Math Moments Virtual Summit
Original Summit Date: NOVEMBER 17th, 18th & 19th 2023 Learn the smartest ways to engage, reach, and strengthen your students…
2022 Make Math Moments Summit
Original Summit Date: NOVEMBER 18th, 19th & 20th 2022 Learn the smartest ways to engage, reach, and strengthen your students…
2021 Make Math Moments Virtual Summit
Access a high quality, asynchronous mathematics conference on-demand so you can elevate your pedagogical practice and math content knowledge!
Academy Courses
All academy members have access to these courses.
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Make Math Moments PD Pathways optimize your time and resources so you can spend time where it matters — with your students. We’ve mapped out a customized pathway that will streamline your learning and give you practice lessons to use with your students.
Learn with our courses, podcasts, webinars, and virtual summit sessions in an order that maximizes your learning while minimizing time.
We currently have two PD Pathways:

Put an end to students quitting when solving problems in math class. Learn a variety of lesson ideas to help you build resilience.

How do we create a learning culture where all students see themselves as powerful and valuable learners of mathematics?