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Dive into the replays of all 35 sessions from our 2020 Make Math Moments Virtual Summit originally held on November 7th and 8th, 2020.
Access a high quality, asynchronous mathematics conference on-demand so you can elevate your pedagogical practice and math content knowledge!
Are you frustrated with how easily some of your students just give up while doing a math problem?
Put an end to students quitting on themselves when solving problems in math class through 4 strategies that will build your students into resilient and determined problem solvers.
5 reasons students struggle with word problems and what we can do to overcome this common math class
Are You Picky Enough with the Math EdTech Tools that you use in your math classroom? This course will help you pick the best math tech tools to help fuel sense making in your students.
How to design, cultivate, and facilitate a classroom culture where assessment is power and not punishment.
In this course, we will explore seven high-impact strategies from Figuring Out Fluency in Mathematics Teaching and Learning by Jennifer Bay-Williams and Jon SanGiovanni. These strategies help students develop true computational fluency—balancing flexibility, efficiency, and accuracy.
Strengthen your own mathematical proficiency by building fluency and flexibility with the big ideas, strategies and models of mathematics so we can Make Math Moments in our classrooms everyday.
Learn to transform your mathematics program by establishing clear, concise classroom norms that model what YOU value in your classroom.
As we start/continue another school year during this pandemic we might find ourselves asking: What should I focus on most? How can I help my students get ready for the next grade level? Do I have time to teach through activities or should I just teach with direct instruction? What resources can I use so that I cover the curriculum and still teach deep learning?
Join us as we help mathematics educators Start The School Year Off Right with tips, tools, and tasks for your Grade 2 to Grade 12 math class so you can Make Math Moments That Matter.
Gain a clear guideline for Kindergarten math plus progressions of activities that are developmentally appropriate for your young minds. Â
By taking this course you’ll save valuable prep time by taking the guesswork out of planning, your feeling of overwhelm and directionless-ness in a play-based learning environment will disappear.