Task Teacher Guide
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Through This Assessment Opportunity…
Students will demonstrate the concepts and skills that they have developed through this context and learning experience.
This assessment should be completed without the use of a calculator. The purpose of the Day 5 assessment is for students to demonstrate their understanding of the following big ideas.
- Fractions can be represented in a variety of ways;
- Fractions (and their decimal representation) represents values relative to a whole (for example, one whole dollar);
- Quantities represented as a decimal are fractions limited to base ten denominators (i.e.: tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.);
- Standard representation of coin values are expressed as decimal hundredths;
- When the order of operations is not considered, the solution can vary;
- The order of operations can be revealed through the context;
- Multiple expressions can be used to represent the same value;
- Removal subtraction of a positive value or adding the negative of that same value has the same result, i.e., 6 – 2 = 6 + (-2).
The independent assessment will allow students to demonstrate concepts and skills related to the following learning goals:
- I will represent fractions and decimals.
- I will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between fractions and decimals.
- I will add and subtract fractions and decimals.
- I will multiply decimals and fractions by a whole number.
- I will solve equations involving the addition of negative integers.
- I will write equations to represent contexts that require multiple operations.
Students might write and/or model their answers independently. Students can also be interviewed by their teacher.
An alternative assessment opportunity should be offered if this tool will not successfully capture what the student knows, understands or can do.
Math Talk
Related String of Problems
5.00 – (4 x 0.25) + 0.10 – 0.25 + 0.05
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Encourage each student to model the equations using a bar model or a number line. Offering coins to each student to use as needed might be a helpful accommodation.
Assessment Considerations…
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Assessment: Adding, subtracting and multiplying decimals and fractions.
Allow students the opportunity to engage in assessment without the use of a calculator to promote their fluency and flexibility with these concepts and to model their thinking:
Question #1:
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Question #2:
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Question #3:
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Question #4:
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Considerations to Promote Student Growth
Based on the student thinking demonstrated on this assessment, provide students with descriptive feedback – written, verbal, or both – which includes next steps students should take in order to promote extending what they know, understand and can do.
Since assessment should be an opportunity for students to learn and for the teacher to understand where a student is in their learning journey, this should not close the door on these big ideas, models, and strategies.
What opportunities can you provide students with to demonstrate any further learning they engage in after this assessment day?
We suggest collecting this reflection as an additional opportunity to engage in the formative assessment process to inform next steps for individual students as well as how the whole class will proceed.
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Resources and Downloads
Lesson Tip Sheet
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Videos & Images
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Keynote Slides
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PowerPoint Slides
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Printable Handout
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Explore The Entire Unit of Study
This Make Math Moments Task was designed to spark curiosity for a multi-day unit of study with built in purposeful practice, and extensions to elicit and emerge mathematical models and strategies.
Click the links at the top of this task to head to the other related lessons created for this unit of study.
How much money is in Piggy #1?
5.00 – (4 x 0.25) + 0.10 – 0.25 + 0.05
…in Piggy #2?
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…in Piggy #3?
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1. Consider the…
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2. Model each…
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3. Hala went to…
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4. Reflect…
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