Kindergarten lesson on decomposing numbers up to five..


How to Document and Collect Information

Plan to Meet and Discuss: Synthesize

Educator Discussion Area

Intentionality & Unit Overview

Addition Strategies: Making Five

Length of Unit: 5 Days

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Educators will document and gather observational data throughout this entire process. Educators can make notes about whether students are learning and completing tasks independently or if they are being provided with scaffolding, modelling and support throughout. 


The purpose of assessment throughout this process is for students to demonstrate their understanding of the following big ideas. In Kindergarten, children have two full years to demonstrate their thinking and it evolves over their time spent learning in the classroom. 

The specific look for’s will vary from student to student, but educators will watch for growth in children’s knowledge and development (e.g., if at the beginning they were unable to build and recognize quantities to 5, where are they at now? Are they ready to begin to explore to 10?)

Reminding ourselves that all of the children will be at different stages in their learning and development. The information that we collect will support us in further planning and programming for students. 

The activities and invitations for learning that were shared throughout this module are ones that can be continued throughout the year for practice or when needed based on children’s progressions and development.

Big Ideas:

  • 5 and 10 frames are tools that support children in understanding counting and quantity
  • One-to-one correspondence in counting objects
  • Counting in stable order
  • Subitizing quantities to 5 without having to count
  • Composing and decomposing quantities to 10 with anchors of 5 and 10
  • Students ability to explain their thinking or what they see/notice

How to Document and Collect Information

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Plan to Meet and Discuss: Synthesize


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Educator Discussion Area

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