Creating a Culturally Relevant and Culturally Responsive Approach to Mathematics Instruction: Merging Two Theories of Practice to Provide More Equitable Learning Experiences for our Students – Beatrice Moore Luchin
Our brains are wired to make connections. Students bring a wealth of knowledge to the mathematics classroom every day- let’s capitalize on it! This session explores how teachers can connect students’ cultures, languages, and life experiences with what they learn in school to better support students’ access to a rigorous curriculum and develop higher-level academic skills.
About Beatrice Moore Luchin
Luchin Consulting

Beatrice Moore Luchin has expanded her experiences in the area of mathematics education beyond secondary mathematics teacher to include district supervisor, mathematics coaches, and independent consultants. She has seamlessly integrated her Texas Lifetime Secondary Teacher Certifications in the areas of Mathematics, Spanish, and Journalism into her work with various programs to support improved instruction- with a focus on equity and providing support for underrepresented student populations. She has had the honor of working with numerous state and national projects and grants. She is a past board member of NCTM, past president of the Benjamin Banneker Association, and currently serves as the Executive Director of the organization. Bea has also served on the EFMath Mathematics Equity Research Advisory Board since 2020.
Creating a Culturally Relevant and Culturally Responsive Approach to Mathematics Instruction: Merging Two Theories of Practice to Provide More Equitable Learning Experiences for our Students – Discussion
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