Task Teacher Guide
Be sure to read the teacher guide prior to running the task. When you’re ready to run the task, use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate through the lesson.
In This Task…
Students will solve an equation related to the Whirlpool Aero Car. They will consolidate the purpose for using a variable to represent a quantity, and solve for that variable using an appropriate model.
Students will explore the use of a variable to represent a changing/unknown quantity. They will be presented with an expression used to track the total number of passengers who ride the aerocar in a single day.
Some of the big ideas that will likely emerge in this task include:
- Multiplication and division are related.
- There are two types of division.
- Quotative (or measured) division reveals the numbers of parts when the rate is known.
- The dividend from any division sentence can be decomposed into smaller parts to allow for friendlier division by the divisor. This strategy is known as partial quotients (i.e.: 85 ÷ 5 = 45 ÷ 5 + 40 ÷ 5 = 9 + 8 = 17).
- Partial products, made possible by the distributive property, allows one or both of the factors to be decomposed in order to simplify a multiplication sentence.
- Variables are used to represent changing or unknown quantities.
- When solving an equation where the coefficient of the unknown variable is not equal to 1, division is required to determine the value of the unknown variable and the context of the problem determines which type of division is required (i.e.: the Aero Car context requires quotative division).
What Do You Notice? What Do You Wonder?
Show students the following video:
Give students 60 seconds (or more) to do a rapid write on a piece of paper.
Replaying the video and/or leaving a screenshot from the video up can be helpful here.
Then, ask students to share with their neighbours for another 60 seconds.
Finally, allow students to share with the entire group. Be sure to write down these noticings and wonderings on the blackboard/whiteboard, chart paper, or some other means to ensure students know that their voice is acknowledged and appreciated.
Some of the noticing and wondering that may come up include:
- I notice a graph
- It notice cars and passengers
- I notice that is goes up every time
- I notice the first point was just past 35
- I notice it is a straight diagonal line
- I wonder if it has something to do with the aerocar
- I wonder what they are keeping track of
- I wonder if it will continue in a straight line
- I wonder when it will stop
Prediction: Prompt
Share the following equation used to create this graph and prompt students with:
Student prompt:
The equation that corresponds to the graph is as follows:
35n + 2 = P
What do you think this equation represents?
Make a prediction.
While Students Are Predicting
Listen and observe as students work to make their predictions. Are students making connections to their prior knowledge? For example, they already know that each trip on the Whirlpool Aero Car carries 35 passengers.
How are students responding to the variable. Are they demonstrating an understanding of why variables are used in an expression?
They may be curious about the plus 2. Consider what they think this could mean, and how it would impact the graph that they viewed in the video.
Have students share their predictions.
Prediction: Reveal
Explain that this expression is used to determine the total number of passengers in a single day, assuming that every trip reaches the cars maximum capacity.
35 passengers/trip x number of tourist trips + 2
Before adding the unit for the constant, 2, have students update and share their predictions for its meaning.
Explain that every day, 2 employees travel to the other side with the passengers. Those two employees are included (only once) in the total number of unique passengers per day.
35 passengers/trip x number of tourist trips + 2 employees
Sense Making
Crafting A Productive Struggle:
Show students the following video:
Student prompt:
Consider the following equation:
35 x n + 2 = 562
If the total number of passengers in a single day was 562 including two employees, how many trips did the Aero Car make?
Consider leaving this image up for students as they begin to struggle through this problem.
During Moves
While Students Are Productively Struggling:
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Student Approach #1: Partitioning a Bar Model
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Student Approach #2: Partial Products and Symbolic Notation
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Student Approach #3: Partial Products on a Number Line
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Next Moves
Consolidation: Making Connections
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After consolidating the lesson by using student work to make connections to the big ideas, strategies and models we had hoped to emerge, you can show this reveal video:
Alternatively, you can show this reveal image:
Provide students an opportunity to reflect on their learning by offering this consolidation prompt to be completed independently.
Consolidation Prompt:
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Resources and Downloads
Lesson Tip Sheet
Download the lesson plan in PDF format so you can keep it handy and share with colleagues.
Videos & Images
Download the videos, images, and related media files to your computer to avoid streaming.
Keynote Slides
Download in Apple Keynote format to avoid streaming video and run the lesson smoothly.
PowerPoint Slides
Download in Microsoft PowerPoint format to avoid streaming video and run the lesson smoothly.
Printable Handout
Download/edit the handout so you can keep it handy and share with colleagues.
Explore The Entire Unit of Study
This Make Math Moments Task was designed to spark curiosity for a multi-day unit of study with built in purposeful practice, and extensions to elicit and emerge mathematical models and strategies.
Click the links at the top of this task to head to the other related lessons created for this unit of study.
Consolidation Prompt:
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