What Do You Notice? What Do You Wonder?
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Estimation: Prompt
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Update Your Estimates
One third of the remaining snow covered portion of the driveway was cleared during the second snow shovelling session.
Based on your estimate of how much snow was cleared during the first shovelling session and knowing that one third of the remaining snow covered portion of the driveway was cleared during the second shovelling session…
What fraction of the whole driveway was cleared during the second shovelling session?
What fraction of the whole driveway is still covered in snow?
Crafting A Productive Struggle: Video
Crafting A Productive Struggle: Prompt
One fourth of the driveway was cleared during the first shovelling session and one third of the remaining snow covered portion of the driveway was cleared during the second snow shovelling session.
What fraction of the whole driveway was cleared during the second shovelling session?
What fraction of the whole driveway is still covered in snow?
Consolidation Prompt #1: Video
Consolidation Prompt #1: Prompt
What fraction of the driveway was cleared during the third shovelling session? What fraction of the driveway remains covered in snow?
Write an equation to represent the fraction of the driveway shovelled on the third trip.
Consolidation Prompt #1: Reveal Video
Consolidation Prompt #1: Reveal Image
Consolidation Prompt #2:
What did you notice about all three trips to the driveway?
How was the amount of snow shovelled the same?
How was it different?
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