How far did he throw the shot put?
Estimate a range of values that might be reasonable, then pick a distance as your “best” estimate.
Image #1
Image #2
Image #3
How might we convince someone that the total distance you came up with is correct without the use of a calculator?
Consolidate: Video
Consolidate: Image
Extend: Spark Video
Extend: Spark Image
Extend: Prompt
On the second throw, the shot put landed at the 76 foot marker. The officials used 4 measuring sticks and had to pace out 12 extra feet to measure the total distance.
How long were the measuring sticks?
Extend: Reveal Video
Extend: Reveal Image #1
Extend: Reveal Image #2
Consolidation Prompt
There were two additional throws that were measured with different measuring sticks.
On the first throw, the officials used 11 purple measuring sticks and paced out an additional 4 feet to measure a total throw length of 70 feet.
On the second throw, the officials used 7 blue measuring sticks, but they went 8 feet past the shot put landing spot.
Determine the length of the purple and blue measuring sticks using the approach you’re most comfortable with.
If you used a concrete and/or visual approach, attempt to represent your thinking symbolically by creating an equation and solving for the length of each measuring stick.
If you used a symbolic approach (i.e.: creating an equation), attempt to represent your thinking concretely or visually to demonstrate your understanding of why the steps you took to solve the equation worked.
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