Explore efficient strategies to subtract values within 50
Math Talk
Visual Math Talk Prompt #1
Visual Math Talk Prompt #2
Visual Math Talk Prompt #3
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Intentionality & Unit Overview
Length of Unit: 5 Days
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Be sure to read the teacher guide prior to running the task. When you’re ready to run the task, use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate through the lesson.
Through This Assessment Opportunity…
The purpose of this assessment is for students to demonstrate their understanding of the following big ideas.
- Subtraction names the missing part in terms of the whole
- Different subtraction situations will elicit different strategies
- Number relationships provide the foundation for strategies to help students remember basic facts
- Efficient operational sense strategies should be number oriented
- Subtraction can be used in either take away, comparison, or missing addend situations. Take away is explored in this task.
- Subtraction represents the difference or space between two numbers
- Models can be used to connect concrete to abstract
Students might write and/or model their responses independently. Students can also be interviewed by their teacher.
An alternative assessment opportunity should be offered if this tool will not successfully capture what the student knows, understands or can do.
Math Talk
The number talks for Day 5 will provide more opportunities for students to practice the strategy of rounding the subtrahend and adjusting due to the numbers purposefully selected. Depending on which strategies have been explored thus far, “Think Addition” may also be an appropriate strategy for some. The last prompt in the set pushes the strategy beyond 50 to give educators the opportunity to see if the students can extend their understanding.
47 – 29
32 – 18
75 – 38
Visual Math Talk Prompt #1
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Visual Math Talk Prompt #2
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Visual Math Talk Prompt #3
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Assessment Considerations…
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Assessment Opportunity: Game
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Assessment Opportunity: Independent
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Question #1:
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Question #2:
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Question #3:
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Question #4:
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Considerations to Promote Student Growth
Resources & Downloads
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Educator Discussion Area
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This Make Math Moments Lesson was designed to spark curiosity for a multi-day unit of study with built in purposeful practice, number talks and extensions to elicit and emerge strategies and mathematical models.
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