The Concept Holding Your Students Back
Join us in this 9-module, self-paced online course where we unlock Key understandings along the Proportional Relationships Roadmap!
Unlocking Key Understandings In Proportional Relationships To Reach Every Student
Year after year, we would work hard to plan engaging and active classroom activities for our students, only to realize minimal gains in student outcomes. We already knew that our students arrived in our classroom with major gaps in their understanding of many concepts.
We eventually realized that many of their learning gaps could be traced back to a lack of experience and conceptual understanding related to proportional reasoning.
After building our own content knowledge around how proportional reasoning develops in young students along with our emphatic tinkering of how to apply that learning in the classroom, our students began experiencing gains not just in proportional reasoning, but in measurement, geometry and algebraic reasoning as well!
We’ve heard from the Math Moment Maker Community very similar struggles such as: “my students are now engaged, but they are not learning at a deeper level” or “I can’t try new problems in class because they lack basic skills.”
We want you to learn from our successes and failures.
We’ve poured over our experiences and build this course to help you tackle these struggles faster than we did.
Join us in this 9-module, self-paced online course where we unlock Key understandings along the Proportional Relationships Roadmap from Spatial Comparison to Ratio, Rate, and Proportionality!
What if you could:
- Fill in learning gaps your students arrive in your class with that prevent them from reaching their potential?
- Possess a deep understanding of the connections in mathematics from spatial reasoning to proportional reasoning to measurement to algebraic reasoning so you can build that capacity in your students?
- Help your students think like mathematicians while reasoning deeply about proportions…everyday?
- Stop second guessing your abilities in your math block and look forward to your teaching day?
- Feel so confident & knowledgeable about your math content that other teachers sought you out for advice?
We’re here to help you achieve these goals so you can feel like a proud Math Moment Maker!
A certificate of completion will be unlocked once each module and lesson in this course is marked complete.
Length of course:
Approximately 14 hours of video lesson content with another recommended 15-30 hours of reflection, planning and implementing.
Who can access this course?
Module 1: Open access for all to enjoy!
All Modules: Registrants
To learn more about this course and to see if the next cohort is open for registration, visit the information page here.
Course Content